Always Splurge On Your Wife

There are many things I regret spending significant money and time on. Perhaps it was the $150 viking helmet with real horns or perhaps the new expensive surfboard right as I moved inland and have since used it since. One thing I have never regretted is spending time or money on my wife.
This week I was browsing through some old photographs and stumbled across some photos of our honeymoon. At the time, I had committed to this expensive trip to the Cook Islands, I was just starting Vision Launchers and was about to graduate from Westmont College. I had wrangled every last penny and sold my beloved dirt bike to pay for our 10 day honeymoon in paradise. To some, it was grossly irresponsible. Since I was going to go full time into my startup, the conventional wisdom was to put away money for rent, savings or down payment on a house. To me, it was an investment.
The thought that crossed my mind as I wrote the check on the most expensive 10 days of my life was, “I will never regret splurging on my wife.” It was true. I have never regretted a single dollar I have ever spent on my wife. I have also never regretted a single time I came home early from work or took a few days off to be with her. My relationship with my wife seems to be the single investment that can never lose.
Since I asked her to spend the rest of her life with me, I want her to look back on these times knowing that I never held back with my creativity, effort or sacrifice. It has been worth every penny and every second of the adventure.
In return to splurging on my wife, she has stood by me as I took every chance risked our livelihood to be an entrepreneur. She deserves more than any gift, piece of jewelry or vacation.