The Power of Hope

This morning I was reflecting on 1 Peter 3:15:
Always be prepared to give an answer to anyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope that you have. (NIV)
Sometimes when I read the bible, I recognize all the things missing from the text. In this case Hope is the key. The hope inside me is what will lead people to ask about Jesus.
- People will not look at my car and ask me about Jesus.
- People will not look at clothes and ask me about Jesus.
- People will not look at my bank account and ask me about Jesus.
- People will not look at my education and ask me about Jesus.
My hope is the key for people to ask me about Jesus.
Sometimes I lose sight of how my life will reach people. I tend to over think things. I think about clever and creative ways to add Jesus into what I am doing, when the Word tells us that our Hope will be what demands an explanation. If I live a life filled with Jesus and let the hope of his Glory be evident to others, people will demand an explanation.
I want to lead a life where people demand to know what is different about me. When they do, I will be ready.